Contemporary Christian Singer, Song-Writer, Recording-Artist  - After over 30 years of producing and writing music for other artists, and during the time having a gold record selling production out of more than 40 projects completed, I am writing and recording my first solo project. God has given and is giving me so much to say through what I've experienced over my lifetime as a Christian man, husband, father, and minister. I can truly say there has never been a time in my life that I've been more in love with my Lord Jesus Christ and more desperate for Him to be alive and active in every second of my life than now. The craziest thing, is that it all just continues to grow everyday. I hope you can join me on this musical journey of seeking deeper Faith, Hope, Love, and Trust in that only one who is forever faithful and unchanging. The project should be complete and released in early fall of this year, 2024. It will be available on Apple Music, Spotify, and my website here.

Evangelist-Outreach - I have worked many years within the 4 walls of the church as a worship pastor, and recently God is beginning to speak to me in direction to begin to go outside the 4 church walls. Taking the message of God's faithfulness and love into the streets and prisons. We will be putting together upcoming events in the not too distant future. Please stay tuned by following us on Facebook and Instagram, or on the events tab of this website. We would love to have you join us in proclaiming the truth to this lost and dying world.

Worship-Pastor - I presently serve along with my lovely wife at a wonderful church in West Bradenton FL ,with an amazing pastor (Alex Regets), and congregation at  Kirkwood Church. I invite you to come join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00AM. Our location is (6101 Cortez Rd. W. Bradenton, FL 34210) for more information you can go to our website ( or follow us on YouTube ( with videos and live-streaming, or Facebook ( We are always looking for more worshippers to join us in our worship team. We like to have a good rotation of worshippers so that many can use their talents for God and avoid burning out people.

Worship Apostle-Teacher - I've been blessed with many opportunities to mentor and train many worship leaders and teams. For worship leaders and teams to grow and thrive they must be healthy, have purpose, understanding their jobs as team members and have a strong encouraging community free of clicks. I wish I didn't need to say this, but sometimes this is a hard thing to accomplish. Especially in a world full of politics and self-promotion. Unfortunately this leaks into the church at times. A big part of my calling is to help build and raise up healthy worship ministries  with the purpose of inspiring others to worship God in full abandon. I continue to worship with worship leaders and teams doing workshops. If this is something you'd be interested in having me help with, I'd love to talk with you.